E-Learning Platform
Inscription to the AccMed FAD platform as a new user

To enroll and access the FAD Courses of the National Academy of Medicine, you need to be registered on the platform, creating your own personal account (with corresponding username and password).

Registration on the platform is free. To register, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Sign In" button at the top of the page, on the right.
  2. Click on the "Register" button and fill out the form with your details.
  3. An email message will be sent to the email address you provided.
  4. Read the email and click on the link it contains to confirm your registration.
  5. Registration is complete, use your username (email address) and password to access the platform.

Note: remember, print, and keep your username (email address) and password so you have it available for subsequent logins.

Access to the AccMed FAD platform as a registered user
  1. Click on the "Sign In" button at the top of the page, on the right.
  2. Enter your username (email address) and password in the gray box.
  3. Click on the "Sign In" button.

Once logged in, you can enroll in new courses or return to courses you were already enrolled in.

Enrollment in a new course

Procedure to be carried out only the first time you access a course:

  1. After logging into the platform, select the course you want to participate in.
  2. If the course is free, complete the registration form and you will be enrolled.
  3. If the course requires a registration fee, proceed with the online payment of the registration fee (via PayPal). Once payment is made, complete the registration form and you will be enrolled.

Once you have completed enrollment in a course, you can access it freely whenever you are on the AccMed FAD platform.

Asynchronous FAD Courses

The first time you access a course, you need to complete the enrollment process:

  1. After logging into the platform using your username (which is the same as your registration email address) and password, select the course you want to participate in.
  2. If the course is free, you need to complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  3. If the course requires a registration fee, you need to proceed with the online payment of the fee (via PayPal) and complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  4. If the course requires an access code, you need to enter the code in the appropriate field and complete the registration process by providing the required information.
Troubleshooting Content Display Issues

Any errors encountered during the display of lessons can be resolved through one of these simple steps:

  1. Use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox
  2. Update the browser to the latest version
  3. Clear the browser cache
  4. Update the operating system (for advanced users only)

For step (3), we recommend consulting the following guides for various browsers:

Main Technical Requirements
  • Fast Internet connection.
  • Updated Chrome or Firefox on the device in use (PC or Smart Device).
  • Cookies must be enabled.
  • Using incognito mode may cause issues with ECM tracking.

For further assistance please click here

Digital Events

The first time you access a course, you need to complete the registration process:

  1. After logging into the platform using your username (which is the same as your registration email address) and password, select the course you want to participate in.
  2. If the course is free, you need to complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  3. If the course requires a registration fee, you need to proceed with the online payment of the fee (via PayPal) and complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  4. If the course requires an access code, you need to enter the code in the appropriate field and complete the registration process by providing the required information.

Once you have completed enrollment in a course, you can access it freely whenever you are on the AccMed FAD platform, directly from the "My Courses" section.

Access on the day of the digital event
  • After registering for the digital event of interest, on the day of the activity you need to:
    • log in to the platform
    • access the course
    • go to the Webinar section
    • click on the relevant "LIVE Webinar" row.
    To ensure everything is working correctly (e.g. the quality of your connection), we recommend joining the Webinar a few minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Most digital events take place on the Zoom platform.
  • If you need assistance during the event, you can use the platform's chat. The AccMed Secretariat will be available to assist you throughout the activity.
Video "How to Participate in a Digital Event"



Main Technical Requirements
  • Fast Internet connection
  • PC or Tablet or Smartphone with updated browser (Chrome or Firefox)
  • For events held on ZOOM only, the installation of the corresponding free application is required (from zoom.us )
  • Headphones with microphone, for better audio quality and to reduce background noise
  • Webcam (optional)

Residential Events

The first time you access a course, you need to complete the registration process:

  1. After logging into the platform using your username (which is the same as your registration email address) and password, select the course you want to participate in.
  2. If the course is free, simply complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  3. If the course requires a registration fee, you need to proceed with the online payment of the fee (via PayPal) and complete the registration process by providing the required information.
  4. If the course requires an access code, you need to enter the code in the appropriate field and complete the registration process by providing the required information.

Once you have completed enrollment in a course, you can access it freely whenever you are on the AccMed FAD platform, directly from the "My Courses" section.

In the weeks leading up to the course, you will receive emails from assistenzafad@accmed.org with specific instructions related to the activity.

Most Common Issues
    1. Change the email address associated with your account
    2. Recover your login password
    3. Activate the email address associated with your account
    4. Report Tax Code already in use during registration
  2. ECM
    1. ECM Credits not appearing on Co.Ge.A.P.S
    2. Where to find your participation certificates and ECM credits
    3. Credits for more than one profession
  3. Asynchronous FAD Courses
    1. Review contents after failing the learning verification test
    2. Failure to pass the course after 5 attempts to pass the learning verification test
    3. Timing for completing the ECM pathway
    4. Downloading Contact Log related to an FAD course
    5. Cancellation of your subscription
  4. Residential and Digital Events
    1. Timing for completing the ECM pathway
    2. Access to slides and/or recordings of a webinar
    3. Cancellation of your subscription
    1. Change the email address associated with your account

      To update the email address associated with your account, click on the following link:
      To confirm your identity and proceed with the email address update, you will receive an SMS with a temporary verification code to the mobile number specified during registration.

    2. Recover your login password

      To recover or change your login password, click on the following link:
      then enter the email address associated with your account (i.e., your login) and click "Submit".
      The link to change your password will be sent to the email address provided. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder.

    3. Activate the email address associated with your account

      To recover and/or activate the email address of your account, click on the following link:
      The activation link will be sent to the email address provided. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder.

    4. Report Tax Code already in use during registration

      If the Tax Code is already in use during registration, please click here to contact the help desk

  2. ECM
    1. ECM Credits not appearing on Co.Ge.A.P.S

      The provider can report to Age.na.s the names of those entitled to ECM credits only after the activity's closing date and in any case within 90 days from that date.
      If the activity has not yet ended (e.g., year-long FAD courses), AccMed cannot proceed with its reporting. While waiting for reporting and visibility on the Age.na.s website, the user can download their ECM certificate from the dedicated area ("My certificates") on fad.accmed.org.
      The date of credit recognition for fulfilling training obligations is, for each learner, the date on which they completed the ECM pathway.

    2. Where to find your participation certificates and ECM credits

      To download your participation certificates and ECM certificates, click on the following link (area "My certificates") https://fad.accmed.org/index.php?cat=attestati

    3. Credits for more than one profession

      It is not possible to earn ECM credits for a single event for multiple professions. When registering for the course, the user must declare the (accredited) profession for which they wish to obtain ECM credits.

  3. Asynchronous FAD Courses
    1. Review contents after failing the learning verification test

      If the test is not passed, Age.na.s requires reviewing the content again.

    2. Failure to pass the course after 5 attempts to pass the learning verification test

      In the case of asynchronous FAD courses, ECM regulations allow a maximum of 5 (five) attempts to pass the learning verification test. After exhausting these attempts, the course is considered not passed.

    3. Timing for completing the ECM pathway

      To complete the ECM pathway, it is necessary to consume all training content, complete the evaluation form, and take the learning verification test (if applicable) by midnight on the last day of the course.
      Subsequently, it will not be possible to complete the ECM pathway and, consequently, earn credits.

    4. Downloading Contact Log related to an FAD course

      It is possible to download the log of your accesses to an FAD course on the platform through the specific link provided in the "Participation Certificate" section of the course page itself.

    5. Cancellation of your subscription

      You can cancel your enrollment in a specific course using the appropriate button at the bottom of the course page.
      Please note, according to ECM regulations:

      • You cannot cancel your enrollment in completed ECM activities.
      • You cannot cancel your enrollment in ECM activities if partially completed (e.g., partial viewing of a video lecture).

  4. Residential and Digital Events
    1. Timing for completing the ECM pathway

      To complete the ECM pathway, it is necessary to access the fad.accmed.org platform and complete the evaluation form and the learning verification test (if provided) no later than 3 days after the end of the activity.
      It is advisable to connect well in advance to complete the ECM pathway.

    2. Access to slides and/or recordings of a webinar

      Educational materials - if provided - are made available on the course page on fad.accmed.org.
      Educational materials - as well as any audio-video recordings of the activity - are accessible only to registered participants for 30 days after the end of the event. Only educational materials (presentations) from instructors who have authorized their sharing may be made available.

    3. Cancellation of your subscription

      You can cancel your enrollment in a specific course using the appropriate button at the bottom of the course page.
      Please note, according to ECM regulations:

      • You cannot cancel your enrollment in completed ECM activities.
      • You cannot cancel your enrollment in ECM activities if partially completed (e.g., participation in an initial survey, partial participation in a webinar).

      For residential courses only, for organizational reasons, you can cancel your enrollment from the course page only until 11:59 PM on the day before the start of the course.

The instructions and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on this platform are intended solely to support users in using the platform itself. Despite the efforts and attention of the authors, the instructions may contain errors or inaccuracies. The official documents to refer to for ECM are those available on the Age.na.s website. (https://ape.agenas.it/ecm/normativa.aspx).

Last modified: Thursday, 6 February 2025, 4:28 PM